Experimental studies on the effects of main duct ligation in the rabbit parotid gland. The effect of removal of the obstruction and agents which excert influence on the salivation.:The effect of removal of the obstruction and agents which excert influence
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Rabbit parotid ducts were ligated unilaterally for 14 days and then the obstructions were removed. The volume of saliva secreted by pilocarpine stimulation was measured at 5, 7, 14 and 2l days after removal of the obstruction.<BR>In the group in which merely the obstruction was removed, the secretory activity by pilocarpine stimulation slightly recovered at 7 days. At 21 days, the secretory activity was about 60 per cent of unligated group.<BR>In the group having chronic administration of pilocarpine after removal of the obstruction, the secretory activity was increased at 5 and 7 days, and reduced at 14 and 21 days. This reduction was considered due to the decreasing sensitivity to pilocarpine in muscarinic receptors of acinar cells.<BR>In the group having chronic administration of atropine after removal of the obstruction, the secretory activity was increased at 5, 7 and 14 days, and reduced at 21 days. As this increased secretory activity by acinar cells was inhibitted by propranolol administration, it's considered that adrenergic fibers participate in this increase.
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- Experimental studies on the effects of main duct ligation in the rabbit parotid gland. The effect of removal of the obstruction and agents which excert influence on the salivation.:The effect of removal of the obstruction and agents which excert influence