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Occlusal splint therapy and intra-articular injection therapy were administered to 30 patients (3 males and 27 females, average 35 years 10 months) with TMJ arthrosis in whom conservative therapy such as drug therapy and physiotherapy had been ineffective. The clinical efficacy of the two therapies was evaluated.<BR>1. Occlusal splint therapy was applied to 28 patients, and it consisted of relaxation splint in 14.3%, stabilization splint in 46.4%, resilient splint in 14.3%, pivoting splint in 7.1% and other splints in 17.9%, stabilization splint therapy was thus applied to the largest number of patients. The efficacy rate as a function of the kind of splint was 75.0% for relaxation splint, 61.5% for stabilization splint, 75.0% for resilient splint, 50.0% for pivoting splint and 60.0% for other types of splint. The overall efficacy rate was thus a high 64.3%.<BR>2. Intra-articular injection therapy was performed in a total of 7 patients, consisting of triamcinolone acetonide in 5 patients and glycosaminoglycan polysulphate in 2 patients. The effect lasted more than 2 weeks in out of 5 cases of triamcinolone acetonide and 2 out of 2 cases of glycosminoglycan polysulphate.
日比 五郎
岡 達
桑原 未代子
村井 猛
峰野 泰久
山内 隆之
佐藤 公治
筧 錦子
峰野 泰久
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