Clinical evaluation of ofloxacin in the treatment for the acute infections of oral and maxillofacial regions.
- 論文の詳細を見る
A clinical sudy of ofloxacin, a new synthetic antibacterial agent, for 24 patients with acute oral and maxillofacial infections was undertaken. Ofloxacin was orally given at a dose of 200mg three times a day to all patients. The results were as follows:<BR>1. The clinical response rate was 87.5%. Side effects were not observed in any patient. The elevation of S-GOT, and S-GPT was observed after ofloxacin administration in one case in the laboratory examinations.<BR>2.<I>In vitro</I>, ofloxacin showed high antibacterial activity mainly against α-streptococcus, isolated from suppurative lesions.<BR>These rsults suggested that ofloxacin is a useful antibacterial agent against oral and maxillofacial infection.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
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- Clinical evaluation of ofloxacin in the treatment for the acute infections of oral and maxillofacial regions.