An experimental study on the healing of fracture of the condylar process of the mandible. The healing process with short-term intermaxillary fixation in cases of displaced small bone flaps.:The healing process with short-termintermaxillary fixation in cas
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We studied the healing process of unilateral fracture of the condylar process of the mandible after 1-week intermaxillary fixation in cases of displaced bone flaps.<BR>Method: Wistar rats weighing 120g were used in the experiment. The surface of the neck of the mandible was uncovered and transected horizontally together with the medial periosteum using a No.698 Fischer bar. The small bone flaps were artificially displaced about 60° toward the median. Then the incision was sutured. After grinding off 1mm of the edge of the mandible incisors, a perforation was made mesiodistally using a No.1/2 round bar. A 0.2mm ligature wire was then passed through the hole to achieve fixation. Fixation was continued for 1 week. During this period, the rats were fed by introducing food directly into the stomach. After fixation, they were fed with pulverized Oriental solid feed for 3 days, which afterwards was available <I>ad libitum</I>.<BR>Results:(1) The medially dislocated small bone flaps and the articular disk tended to recover normal position due to the physiological movement of the jaw for 1 week after the removal of intermaxillary fixation, (2) Inflammatory reaction at and around the fractured parts was relatively mild. (3) Some cartilage formed at the fracture. This was more common in displaced cases than in non-displaced cases. (4) Bone repair at the fracture was observed from the 1st week to the 2nd week after the removal of intermaxillary fixation (2nd week after fracture). Both cartiliginous ossification and intramembraneous ossification were observed with the latter primarily taking place. (5) Shirinkage of the head of the mandible was observed in almost all cases after removal of fixation. (6) Bone remodeling was observed in the region from the neck of the mandible to the fracture until the 6 th week after fracture, or the 5 th week after removal of fixation. However, by the 6 th month was healed and returned to normal. (7) In the cases of mal-union, a to shallow mandibular fossa, thickening of the articular disk and the fibrous perichondral layer of the head of the mandible, and the appearance of small lingulalike structures in the upper and lower articular cavity were observed. However, no separate, isolated body was observed. It is suggested that these changes were related to the period of intermaxillary fixation, (8) No abnormal findings were observed in the head of the mandible of the unaffected side.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
橋口 範弘
島原 政司
大阪医科大学 予防・社会医学講座衛生学・公衆衛生学
小野 克己
石橋 智子
大森 理代
永野 俊成
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- An experimental study on the healing of fracture of the condylar process of the mandible. The healing process with short-term intermaxillary fixation in cases of displaced small bone flaps.:The healing process with short-termintermaxillary fixation in cas