A case of submandibular sialolithiasis with the fistula in the lateral neck.
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A rare case of submandibular sialolithiasis with fistula in the lateral neck is reported.<BR>A 25-years-old man who complained of nodular swelling of the right submandibular region was referred to our hospital in March, 1988.<BR>Radiological examination revealed a salivary stone on the inferior border of the right mandibule.<BR>Sialograms revealed a macular filling defect of the gland and a contrast media leaked from the submandibular gland to the abscess just under the skin of the lateral neck.<BR>On the 26 day of July, the submandibular gland, a salivary stone and the salivary fistula were excised under general anesthesia.<BR>The patient was observed for subsequent 22 months with no symptoms.
阿部 廣幸
東京女子医科大学東医療センター 歯科口腔外科
竹山 喜代美
当間 裕
黒田 耕太郎
岡 光夫
阿部 廣幸
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