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The static as well as dynamic analyses of natural tooth and dental implants have been conducted using a finite element method and theoretical analysis method in an effort to develop the proper suppo ting system and shock-absorbing structure for dental implants. Followings are the results.<BR>I. Analysis of Natural Tooth<BR>1. When periodontal ligament was assumed to be an elastic continuum, the concentration of very large stress was observed at the apex under static load condition. When an impact was applied, the stress magnitude reached about 11 times the stress under static load condition.<BR>2. In the case of osteoankylosis, uniform diffusion of stress was observed under static load condition, but tooth mobility was poor. When an impact was given, the stress magnitude reached as high as 200 times the stress under static condition.<BR>3. When the transmission of force along the fibers of periodontal ligament is taken into consideration, both the degree of the displacement and the natural vibration frequency corresponded to the the clinically measured values; the stress concentration in the apex eased appreciably under static load condition, and when an impact was applied the stress fluctuation remained at a comparatively low as 10-fold increase.<BR>4. Theoretical analyses found that the viscosity level of periodontal ligament corresponds to the theoretical value where the highest shock-absorbing capability can be obtained. Due to this high viscosity, stress generated by the impact can be reduced to about 75 percent of the case when only elasticity is present.<BR>II. Analysis of Dental Implant<BR>1. Under static load condition, generally satisfactory results were obtained in stress diffusion by osteointegration. However, when implant material elasticity differs greatly from that of the bone, localized concentration of stress was measured at a protruding portion on the surface of implant.<BR>2. When an impact was given, due to osteointegration the stress which is about 200 times larger than the stress under static load condition was measured.<BR>3. In the dental implant having imbedded shock-absorbing structue, the displacement and vibration behaviors displayed by it were similar qualitatively and quantitatively to ones exhibited by natural tooth. The shock-absorbing capability also matched that of natural tooth.
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