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Recently, arthrographic technique has been very significant on diagnosis for internal derangement of temporomandibular joint (TMJ). These techniques include a dynamic examination with the lower or both joint space arthrography under fluoroscopy, and single or double contrast arthrotomography with the lower or both joint spaces.<BR>Purpose of this study is to compare the findings and methods of these techniques and to discuss the best technique for examination of the soft tissue of the TMJ. The materials were 148 joints of 126 patients with TMJ dysfunction in total of 178 joints who received arthrographic examination during a recent period of about 2years. As a result, in the diagnostic rate of disk position, the single contrast of the lower joint space arthrography was 78.1%, the single contrast of both joint spaces arthrography was 85.1% the single contrast of both joint spaces arthrotomography was 96.7%, and the double contrast of both joint spaces arthrotomography was 96.2%, in the diagnostic rate of configuration, it was 0.0%, 0.0%, 82.1%, and 94.2% respectively.<BR>The single contrast arthrography of the lower joint space made it possible to easily and simply detect approximate position and dynamics of the joint disk, and that double contrast arthrotomography of both joint spaces was found to be useful for detailed examinations of disk configuration.<BR>Additionally it was an encouraging method to carry out double contrast of both joint spaces arthrotomography after single contrast arthrography of the lower joint space under fluoroscopic examination.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
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