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A case of herpes zoster affecting the trigeminal nerve in the left maxillary division of a 60-year-old female was presented. As a rare complication of post-zoster unusual features such as spontaneous teeth exfoliation, necrosis of the alveolar process and gingival necrosis were demonstrated.<BR>The clinical characteristics of the lesions of 23 cases with post-zoster zone necrosis documented in the literature were analyzed and summarized. The role of the herpes zoster virus in the etiology of tooth exfoliation and osteonecrosis of the jaw was discussed.<BR>Awareness of osteomyelitis associated with secondary HZ infection is important for early detection and treatment of the condition to prevent further complications, particularly in highrisk patients.
佐渡 忠司
寺島 龍一
岩井 正行
古田 勲
児島 三津雄
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