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Hydroxylapatite (HA) is used in various clinical aids such as reconstruction of bone defect areas and augmentation of atrophic jaw bones. It has been well known that HA is nontoxic and biocompatible and has an osteoconductive character. However, it is very difficult to complete reconstruction of the lost form by using HA particles alone, because HA particles easily migrate or disperse into surrounding tissues after implantation.<BR>This study was carried out to evaluate the admixture of HA particles and autogenous bone marrow (BM), which were filled in gelatin-capsules, on bone formation in subcutaneous and subperiosteal regions of rabbits. Single layered geratin-capsules (single capsule) and double layered gelatin-capsules (double capsules) were used. Mixture of HA and BNI without gelatincapsules was implanted as control. The results were as follows:<BR>In both single and double capsule groups, no disturbance of new bone formations, which were probably induced by osteoprogenitor factor in BM, was observed. Furthermore, the degree of formation of new bone in subperiosteal region of the double capsule group was better than that in the group without capsule.<BR>These results suggest that the gelatin-capsule is useful for reconstruction of lost bone form by using either HA, BM, or both together.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
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