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Gas burning diesel engines with using LNG as fuel have been developed for the purpose of applying to prime movers of LNG carriers and electric generators. For developing these engines, the investigations of the methods of ensuring for ignition of fuel are important, because natural gas is harder to ignite than conventional liquid fuel. This study has been carried out as a fundamental study of ignition of fuel jets in gas burning diesel engines.<BR>Methane was injected in a closed vessel filled with the hot burnt gas, in which remained oxygen concentration was about 21vol%, and then the ignition delay, ignition temperature, and heat release rate for initial combustion duration were investigated. Moreover, the ignition delays measured in the closed vessel were compared with that in a gas burning diesel engine. The results are as follows:<BR>(1) The data of ignition delays of transient methane jets measured in the closed vessel can be applied to gas burning diesel engines.<BR>(2) In order to shorten the ignition delays to the allowable level for gas burning diesel engines, it is necessary to raise the temperature of gas in their combustion chamber above 1100K.<BR>(3) The heat release rates for initial combustion duration of transient methane jets increase in proportion to their ignition delays.
- 社団法人 日本マリンエンジニアリング学会の論文
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