園芸作物におけるビタミンB1の生理と利用に関する研究(第7報) : ビタミンB1の葉面撒布と作物体内の成分組成及び食味との関係
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The present paper reports the effects of foliage thiamine sprays on the chemical composition and the taste of three kinds of garden crops, namely Norin-No.I of sweet potatoes, Danshaku of potatoes, and Masterpiece of Kidney beans. The results obtained were as follows: 1. Foliage thiamine sprays at the most effective concentration improved the flavor of tubers, more-over and they increased, though slightly, the total suger and starch contents of the tubers and bean grains of treated plants as compared with those of the control. 2. The treatment somewhat increased the car-bohydrate content and raised the C/N ratio of stems, leaves, and roots of the plants. In my opinion, these results will serve to explain the fact that the treatment has influence on promoting the root development, the tuber forma-tion and flower bud differentiation, and on short-ening the growing period as well. 3. The treatment increased, though slightly, thiamine contents of tubers and bean grains of the plants. In this case, the form of the increased thiamine was mainly of the free form.
- 園芸学会の論文
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