園藝作物に於けるビタミンB1の生理と利用に関する研究(第3報) : 甘藷の生育並びに収量に及ぼすビタミンB1葉面撒布の影響
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This paper reports the results of the studies on the effects of foliage thiamin sprays on the growth and yield of sweet potatoes. Five vatieties, Norir, No. 1, Norin No. 4, Kanto No. 24, Taihaku, Shij Uimo were used. The results obtained were as follows. 1. Sprayings of thiamin solution on the leaves of sweet potatoes promoted root growth, increased the number and length of roots, and increased the weight of stems and leaves. 2. Sprayings of thiamin solution on the leaves of sweet potatoes increased the percentage of large storage roots. 3. Sprayings was more effective in the first half than in the latter half of their growing season. 4. The most effective thiamin concentration for sprayings was 1 ppm, when 2 cc of the solu-tion was sprayed on one plant at intervals of ten days.
- 園芸学会の論文
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