有棘細胞癌, 基底細胞癌および日光角化症を併発した1例
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A 80-year-old man occured with squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma and solar keratosis is reported. He had a 16×14mm sized nodule on his left hand, two black papules, 6×7mm and 3×4mm, on his nose and hyperkeratotic pigmented macules on his scalp. Histpathologically, the tumor on the hand showed hyperkeratosis, papillomatosis and acanthosis with atypical squamoid cells. They contained many individual cell keratinization and mitotic figures. Both papules on the nose were composed with basaloid tumor cell nests. The peripheral cell layer of the nests showed palisade arrangement of the nuclei. The macule on the scalp showed hyperkeratosis, parakeratosis and cellular atypicality in the basal cell layer. The upper dermis showed inflammatory cell infiltration and solar degeneration. The occurrence of squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma and solar keratosis in one person seems to be rare.
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- 有棘細胞癌, 基底細胞癌および日光角化症を併発した1例
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