Examination of cholangiogram of obstructive jaundice using MRI. Compared with PTC and ERCP.:Compared with PTC and ERCP
- 論文の詳細を見る
PTC and ERCP are most often used in diagnosis of obstructive jaundice. We studied the possibility of clinical diagnosis using MRI in 33 cases of obstructive jaundice. A clinical diagnosis of malignant tumors could be given in 17 cases out of 20 (85%) using MRI if respiratory standstill was possible. An MRI cholangiogram was particularly effective in describing tearful parting bile ducts and was clearer than PTC in describing negative gallbladders. Choledochal stones could be diagnosed in 58% of cases, which was less than the rate for malignant tumors. MRI is not an invasive examination, can be used in diagnosis of obstructive jaundice, and helps in selecting treatment methods such as PTCD and ERBD.
中川 浩
豊橋市民病院 消化器内科
三竹 正弘
豊橋市民病院 内科
藤井 康彰
豊橋市民病院 消化器内科
佐竹 幸治
松井 真寿美
宮田 敬博
大橋 信治
岡村 正造
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