Experimental study on changes of total bile acid concentrations in the peripheral and portal blood after partial hepapectomy.
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Serial changes of total bile acid concentrations (TBA) in the peripheral and portal blood after partial hepatectomy were examined on rats with both normal and impaired liver which was induced by CCl4. Changes of TBA in the peripheral blood, clearance index and intrahepatic shunt index were marked in proportion to the volume of resectin and in the damaged liver. No significant changes of TBA in the portal blood were seen. TBA in the peripheral blood were significantly correlated with TBA in the portal blood, clearance index and intrahepatic shunt index. Clearance index was also significantly conrrelated with the rate of regeneration.Therefore, it is concluded that decrease of hepatic extraction of bile acid and increase of intrahepatic shunts between portal vein and hepatic vein elevated TBA in the peripheral blood. It seems useful for evaluation of postoperative hepatic regeneration to measure TBA in the peripheral and portal blood and to calculate clearance index after partial hepatectomy.
- 財団法人 日本消化器病学会の論文
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- Experimental study on changes of total bile acid concentrations in the peripheral and portal blood after partial hepapectomy.