A case of ulcerative colitis associated with asymptomatic primary sclerosing cholangitis, the lesion of which extends from intrahepatic bile duct to extrahepatic bile duct.
- 肝血管筋脂肪腫の超音波像
- 105 HBs抗原陽性慢性肝疾患におけるリンパ球の細胞障害活性 : FCS-induced cell-mediated cytotoxicityの異常(細胞免疫2)
- 17. 術後急性胆嚢炎の治療指針について(第15回日本胆道外科研究会)
- 113 開腹術後の胆嚢超音波像と胆嚢収縮能について(第27回日本消化器外科学会総会)
- 超音波断層法による副腎腫瘍の局在診断
- 薬剤使用歴のないLiver cell adenomaの1切除例
- A case of ulcerative colitis associated with asymptomatic primary sclerosing cholangitis, the lesion of which extends from intrahepatic bile duct to extrahepatic bile duct.
- Gastrointestinal involvements in a case of acqulred immunodeficiency syndrome(AIDS).
- Studies on immunoreactive sommatostatin and gastrin contents in the same biopsy specimen of the gastric mucosa in patients with pernicious anemia.