- 論文の詳細を見る
Metaplastic endocrine cells were studied by argyrophil staining and electron microscopy in various diseases of the gallbladder. The rate of the occurrence of argyrophil cells was 0% innormal mucosae, 35% in cholecystolithiasic mucosae, 60% in dysplastic mucosae, 48% in non neoplastic mucosae adjacent to cancer foci, 33% and 10% in foci of intra-mucosal and invasive cancers, respectively. The majority of these argyrophil cells were located within lining epithelia showing inf oldings and in those of metaplastic mucous glands, in which they tended to be the more in frequency in areas of the more hyperplastic mucosa. Electron microscopic study demonstrated endocrine granules in some lithiasic mucosae that were similar to those of EC cell or D cell.It was assumed that the development of dysplasia or well differentiated adenocarcinoma of the gallbladder would have a close relationship to intestinal metaplasia including the occurrence of endocrine cells, and that the metaplastic endocrine cells might in turn promote mucosal hyperplasia and eventuate in carcinoma.
- 財団法人 日本消化器病学会の論文
伊藤 慈秀
川崎医科大学 寄生虫
大村 晃一
水島 睦枝
佐藤 博道
吉岡 一由
吉岡 一由
川崎医科大学外科 川崎病院部門
大村 晃一
川崎医科大学病理 川崎病院部門
水島 睦枝
川崎医科大学病理 川崎病院部門
伊藤 慈秀
川崎医科大学病理 川崎病院部門
佐藤 博道
川崎医科大学病理 川崎病院部門
大村 晃一
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