PCB代替品(Di-isopropyl naphthaleneとDi-arylethane isomer)のマウスにおける催奇性と繁殖におよぼす影響について
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This study was designed to evaluate the teratogenetic and reproductive effects of Di-isopropyl naphthalene or Di-arylethane isomer which are being used as substitutes for PCB in the dye stuff solvent in noncarbon paper. The compounds were administered to pregnant mice during six days from the 7th through the 12th day orally by a stomach tube at the dose levels of 192mg/kg and 19.2mg/kg of Di-isopropyl naphthalene and 198mg/kg and 19.8mg/kg of Di-arylethane isomer. And pregnant mice in the second mating period were not treated.Fetuses form both mating period were removed by cesarean section at the end of the gestation period. Offsprings of both generations were maintained for 42 day safter birth.No effects attributable to the administration of both compounds were observed in parental body weight, survival rates, pregnancy and reproduction data, and in newborn growth data.Datas obtained from fetuses removed by cesarean section did not reveal any findings which would indicate that both compounds are fetal toxic or teratogenetic when administered to pregnant mice.
- 日本衛生学会の論文
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