- 論文の詳細を見る
We have been investigating the health effects of environmental pollution by cadmium from copper smelters in Kosaka, Akita prefecture.We will first give information on the geographical aspects, historical background, population change and industrial situation of Kosaka.After obtaining information from death certificates, we analyzed the causes of death to investigate the mortality patterns in environmentally cadmium-polluted areas. The results were as follows.i. Number of deaths and death rates decreased after 1945-49.ii. Relative frequency of death by age decreased in 0, 1-4, 5-9 and 10-19 year-olds, but increased in 60-69, 70-79 and 80 year-olds and over. These patterns are similar to those of Akita prefecture and they are not peculiar to Kosaka.iii. Digestive disease, tuberculosis and respiratory disease decreased, but malignant neoplasma, heart disease and cerebrovascular disease increased in Kosaka. Relative frequency of tuberculosis, respiratory disease and senility are higher and that of cerebrovascular disease and malignant neoplasma are lower in Kosaka than in Akita prefecture. These patterns are peculiar to Kosaka.iv. In comparison with the mortality patterns of mine workers and those of other occupants, the relative frequency of injury and respiratory disease are highest in mine workers. I think the latter is the result of long-time occupational cadmium exposure.
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