- 論文の詳細を見る
Ten employees working in three shifts at an iron foundry were under survey. Workers were engaged in each shift for five days. Diurnal change of the sublingual temperature was determined for a successive 20 days in summer as well as in winter.Regardless of season, diurnal change of body temperature in workers on the first shift (7:30-15:30) revealed a similar pattern to that of men in an ordinary routine.In the second (15:30-22:30) and the third (22:30-7:30) shifts, however, body temperatures rose at night. Body temperature was higher at 7 a.m. on the third shift, compared to other shifts. It was subsequently striking that an amplitude of the diurnal change was narrow in this shift. Under the circumstances, there were some working for more than 8 years, whose body temperature was lower in the afternoon than in the morning. It can therefore be inferred that biological rhythm is prone to synchronize with the rhythmic pattern of the mode of living of these particular workers. For the most part, however, no inversion of the rhythmic change was seen on night-shift work.On each shift, the mean temperature on a day tended to be higher in summer than in winter, and, especially, a significant difference between seasons was observed on the third shift.In its mean and variance, an amplitude of diurnal change had the tendency to lessen on the third shift compared to other shifts regardless of season.
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