- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper consists of two parts: one of them treats about investigation concerning the topographical and geological features of coast which have an influence on the expenses (the expenses include those of the reclaimed land required for a factory) when a factory is newly established on the coast-lands. The other treats of the arrangement project of a factory considered from the point of topographical and geological situation, taking the case of the northern coast of Ise Province centering in Nagoya and Yokkaichi cities.It is needless to say that the important condition in the extension for coastal factory site is the depth of water in the projected land of reclamation. Difference of one meter deep bring about difference of 180-200 yen per 1m2 of the reclaimed land-The expenses include the increase of various expenses according as the depth of water increases-.From this point of view, delta lands where the depth of water is small among the coastal land, is the most suitable and profitable place for the extension of reclaimed land.As regards delta lands of the big rivers, however, the base of alluvial layer is deep on account of the fact that they are situated just on the submerged valley of the last ice-epoch. Load carrying capacity more than 30-50ton/m2, consequently, can not be expected if it is not less than 30-40 meter deep from the land surface. Such being the case, the expenses of industry that stands in need of weighty equipment run up for the foundation work. There sometime is the case when no margin of profit cannot be turned out as construction land of factories. On the coastal diluvial plateau and the younger tertiary hilly land in Tokyo and Ise Bays, deposited platforms extend in several places, as for as the offshore of about 2km from the present coastline.These places are 2-3m deep, and moreover load carrying capacity of not less than 50-100ton/m2 is gotten in the place of less than 10m deep. These lands may be said to be the most suitable place for the location of factory that is in need of weighty equipment.It is not always enough, with regard to the location of mainstay factories: iron works and petroleum refinery, etc., even though topographical and geological condition is suitable for these factories. The expansion of land where it is possible to establish the correlated factory group and the industrial combination around the mainstay factories and to use the products and by-products of the mainstay factories there, has to be provided.The northern foreshore of Ise Bay which has a potential land to be reclamied from the sea not less than 50, 000km2 has a expectation of future as a coast-industrial district. The author came to the conclusion, as respects arrangement of factory, that the factory had better locate factories of the group of heavy-chemical industry which surround iron-works on the part of deposited platform on one hand, and the group of correlated factory and light industry on the delta lands on the other.
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