- 論文の詳細を見る
The main contents of the present paper are concerned not only with geographical techniques to select the suitable area for housing estate from the point of view of the comparative cost of construction works in different locations, but also with the time and money distance required when residents go to work.Both topographical and geological factors are the most important of all natural ones that bring local differences to construction expenses The former exerts an influence upon the cost of site development, and the latter upon the cost of foundation works. The relation between these factors and construction cost is as follows: Topographical factors…The site development cost occupies a high rate in all the constrruction expenses for housing estate, and varies largely by local differences. Such local differences depend mainly upon the conditions of initial relief of the site. Accordingly we can replace relief of topographic feature by site development costs. To the consideration we must clarify how to express relief of topographic feature, and the correlation between relief of topographic feature and land reformation costs:1) We divide a development area into 100 meter sections on the topographic map of a three-thousandth, and regard the arithmetic mean of the total summing up the difference between the highest point and the lowest point within each section as the average relief energy of topographic feature.2) The relation between the average relief energy of topographic feature and land reformation costs per unit area is as follows (refer to Fig-1):The classification of relief of topographic feature viewed site development costs. Average relief energy of topographic feature (m/ha) Site development costs per unit area (1, 000yen/ha) The remarks column 2> 100 The flat area which does'nt require banking. 2< about 700 Pleistocene terrace whose initial surface remains mostly. 21> 3.000> Pleistocene terrace whose initial surface is almost losed. 21< 3, 000< Heavy slope area.3) There is a high correlation between the average relief energy and the number of contour lines within each 500 meter section on the topographic map of a fifty-thousandth in the same area (refer to Fig-2):The correlation is 0.98, the formula of regression line isy=0.17x+0.87.Using the techniques mentioned to above, we made the map of relief of topographic feature in Nagoya Metropolitan Area (Fig-3). From this map, we can know that housing estates have been developed on the alluvial plain, the Pleistocene terrace and the hill where the number of contour lines above mentioned is less than 2∼4. However it is expected that the large scale housing estate will be developed on the hills of 5∼7 contour lines where land value is comparatively low and there are lots of vast common lands.Geological factors……It may safely be said that we can classify to a certain extent local differences of foundation work expenses in accordance with geological areas in Nagoya Metropolitan Area. Then we made the distribution map about local differences of pile length and forms of foundation work in Nagoya Metropolitan Area (Fig-4). The result is as follows:1) Plio-Pleistocene upland…On cutting site 3∼5 story apartments are constructed without foundation piles. But in development area we have to construct buildings on banking site, so 30∼50% of apartments need foundation piles. Consequently, the adding cost of foundations is 120∼250 yen per floor area (m2).2) P ocene terrace and alluvial fan……As the surface is plane, there is no need of site development. We construct 3∼5 story apartments without piles.3) Delta plain……Generally 5∼10 meter prefablicated piles are used to reach the apex of the pile to the upper sand layer in alluvium, so the adding cost of foundations is 600∼1, 400 yen per floor area (m2).
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