Extent of the Lesion According to CT Findings and Prognosis of Aphasia
- 論文の詳細を見る
The extent of the lesions of aphasia patients was determined by CT-Scan, and the findings were compared with the degree of recovery from aphaia. The following results were seen:<BR>1) The lesions were classified into three groups according to the extent of the lesion.<BR>2) Recovery can be well expected when the extent of the leasion is less than 10% (Group I) .<BR>3) In many cases of motor aphasia, recovery can be expected when the extent of lesion is 10-30% (Group II) .<BR>4) In cases with the extent of lesion being more than 30%, the expectancy of recovery is low.<BR>5) The earlier the training was started, the better was the recovery.<BR>6) It can be considered that the extent of the lesion is closely related to the prognosis of aphasia.
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- Extent of the Lesion According to CT Findings and Prognosis of Aphasia
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