動脈瘤clipping術後長期経過例の脳血管撮影上の変化についての検討 : de novoおよび発育・増大する未破裂小動脈瘤
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Based on the conclusion of our previous report, we performed follow-up angiography on the 61 outpatients who had undergone neck clippings for cerebral aneurysms more than 5 years ago. According to the findings of the original angiograms, they were classified into 4 groups: Group 1 consists of 34 cases without abnormal finding. Group 2a consists of 14 cases with small, unruptured aneurysms, that were too small to operate on. Group 2b is 10 cases with residual aneurysmal necks after the previous surgery and Group 3 is 6 cases of SAH with unknown etiology. In 6 out of the 14 cases (44%) from Group 2a, unruptured, untreated small aneurysms had enlarged over an average of 9.8 years. The characteristics of the patients with such aneurysms are: 1) blood pressure under poor control (p<0.05) and 2) 50 percent have de novo aneurysms. Also there was a multiplicity of time and site for aneurysms in these cases. The enlargement of the residual aneurysmal neck was only found in Group 2b in 2 incomplete clipping cases. As well, the origin of the SAH remained unknown in all cases of Group 3 over a 15.8year period (on average) before follow-up. A total of 8 de novo aneurysms were found in 7 cases (3 cases each in Group 1 and 2a and 1 case in Group 2b). The average time before follow-up was 16.2 years. This incidence (11.5%) is considerably higher than the previously assumed rate of around 1 percent. The characteristics of the patients with de novo aneurysms are: 1) 86% female, 2) the average time before confirmation is as long as 16.2 years, 3) all are cases of multiple aneurysms, and 4) 71% have hypertension. There were close similarities between the features of de novo aneurysm and multiple aneurysm cases. These facts lead us to support the hypothesis that de novo aneurysms are one of multiple aneurysms but develop at a different time. As well, patients with aneurysms have the potential to develop into recurring SAH. The best approach to treatment is to do follow-up angiography periodically.
- 日本脳卒中の外科学会の論文
- 2001-09-30
倉島 昭彦
斎藤 隆史
斎藤 隆史
長野赤十字病院 薬剤部
青木 悟
村上 博淳
小田 温
大塚 顕
倉島 昭彦
新潟県立中央病院 脳神経外科
倉島 昭彦
長野赤十字病院 病理部
大塚 顕
- 中等度の高プロラクチン血症が原因と考えられた勃起障害の1例
- 14 IC blister-like aneurysmに対するEC-IC bypassを併用したtrapping手術(一般演題,第48回新潟脳神経外科懇話会)
- 15 Jugular foramen neurinomaの1例(第47回新潟脳神経外科懇話会)
- 14 Petroclival meningiomaに対するorbitozy-aromatic anterior temporal approach(第45回新潟脳神経外科懇話会)
- 6 臨床的脳死判定後418日間生存した13才小児例(第44回新潟脳神経外科懇話会)
- 18 Cerebellomedullary fissure approachにて摘出した脳幹部海綿状血管腫の1例(I.一般演題,第43回新潟脳神経外科懇話会)
- 13 Craniopharyngiomaに対するInterhemi-spheric Prechiasmatic approach(一般演題,第42回新潟脳神経外科懇話会)
- 8 Paraclinoid giant aneurysmの1例(第41回新潟脳神経外科懇話会)
- 5 脳死判定に影響を及ぼすBarbiturate血中濃度の検討(第40回新潟脳神経外科懇話会)
- 10 頭蓋頚椎移行部髄膜腫の一例(I. 一般演題)(第 39 回新潟脳神経外科懇話会)
- 9 Cortical deafness の一例(I. 一般演題)(第 38 回新潟脳神経外科懇話会)
- 動脈瘤clipping術後長期経過例の脳血管撮影上の変化についての検討 : de novoおよび発育・増大する未破裂小動脈瘤
- くも膜下出血再発症例におけるde novoならびにgrowing up aneurysmの検討
- 動脈瘤 clipping 術後長期 follow-up angiography の重要性 : de novo & growing aneurysm の点から
- Octreotide治療で2児を得たのち手術したTSH産生下垂体腺腫の1例
- Extent of the Lesion According to CT Findings and Prognosis of Aphasia
- Ability of Severely Aphasic Patient to Express by "Picture Signs"
- 10. 内頸動脈背側動脈瘤の特殊性と手術手技上の問題点
- 外傷性下垂体損傷による低ゴナドトロピン性性腺機能低下症の1例