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Impact on user expectations in natural parks is probable even if users do not actually visit the area. This research attempts to elucidate the expectations for climbing and the support of management actions of not actual climbers but visitors to the base area of Mt. Fuji in Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park in Japan. The aim is to clarify the relationship between visitor expectations and support of management actions. The methodology employed a randomly distributed questionnaire at rest stops in the base area during the summer vacation period in 2006. As a result, visitor expectations were classified into five groups, and large impact on one of "state of visitor health, physical strength and interest", and the other of "conserving wilderness and solitude" was found. Particularly, visitors expectation of "conserving wilderness and solitude" was shown to be connected to their support of management actions related to control of entrance to the mountain area. In addition, differences in visitors attributes influence their perspective on the support of management actions. These results indicate that park management and planning should be discussed assuming a broader range of visitors.
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