Photofragment energy distributions of p-dichlorobenzene molecular beam excited by linearly polarized light at 193 nm.
- 論文の詳細を見る
Time-of-flight spectra of the Cl photofragments were measured for a molecular beam of <I>p</I>-ClC<SUB>6</SUB>H<SUB>4</SUB>Cl irradiated by a 193 nm exci mer laser beam polarized parallel or perpendicular to the detection axis. The highest energy component of the observed translational energy distributions of photofragments was sensitive to the polarization direction, strong for parallel polarization and weak for perpendicular polarization. This experimental observation indicates that the highest energy component is attributed to the direct photodissociation channel.
- 社団法人 日本分光学会の論文
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- 第13回化学教育フォーラム開催報告
- 学校教育委員会から
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- Photofragment energy distributions of p-dichlorobenzene molecular beam excited by linearly polarized light at 193 nm.
- 初等・中等の学校教育を考える(化学教育 徒然草)
- 学校教育委員会から(協議会だより)
- 科学教育で思うこと(化学教育 徒然草)
- タイトル無し