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Japan’s first professional basketball league, the bj-league, was launched with 6 teams in 2005. The league has expanded its scale since that time. Many organizations in local cities intend to apply to expand franchise opportunities because the operation expense of a bj club is estimated to be 250∼300 million yen annually, which is much lower than that of other major professional sports leagues. However, it is still not easy for the organizations to enter the bj-league. Since the businesses of most local cities in Japan are still suffering from the long economic recession, finding enough investors to cover the expenses is not easy for them. Akita City also faces this situation. Even though an organization in Akita City has prepared to enter the bj-league, it suffers from a lack of investors. It is assumed that to present the economic impact of a bj club to the local business society would be very useful to getting the business society interested in the bj-league. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to estimate the economic impact of the proposed basketball club on Akita Prefecture. According to the results of the input-output analysis, economic impact, including the direct effects and the primary and secondary ripple effects, of the operation expenses of the club and hosting games at the home arena would be 253 million and 172 million yen, respectively. Thus, the total economic impact of the proposed club, was estimated as 425 million yen. The total economic impact will generate income of 170 million yen for companies and individuals, and tax revenues at 5 million yen for local governments in Akita.
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