政策立案支援のための多基準分析による評価手法に関する考察 : 家庭からの剪定枝葉等回収システムを事例として
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Because our society is becoming more complex, we need effective decision aids which can handle a range of complexities. We require enhanced aids especially for helping laypeople to resolve conflict in practice.Accordingly, we propose an evaluation method that can support policymaking, by dealing explicitly with a diversity of people. In order to show the practicability of this approach, we apply it to the case of a collecting system for pruned branches and leaves discharged from private house garden, which system requires citizens role.Before we describe the procedure, we discuss multi-criteria analysis which has attracted interest in public decision making in recent years. Furthermore, because organizations must be accountable to society, a transparent policymaking process is needed.Our method integrates both objective and subjective evaluations. In objective evaluations, we use ‘numbers ratio weight’ which can be determind from the preferences of stakeholder. To integrate objective and subjective evaluations, we use ‘purpose weight’ which can be calculated from the degree of respect for the purpose of the systems or projects.In case study of collecting system for pruned branches and leaves from household which system aim mainly composting, we set three types of area, because different area has different numbers ratio. As a result, we prove the importance of what the purpose is, and the effect of how the area is, and whereabouts of the action which should be taken.It is possible to use our method without special computer software, and therefore common people will be able to share the knowledge about the evaluations producted by this process.We are also confident that this approach will reflect the preference of both the silent majority and the silent minority in a given decision situation.
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