- 論文の詳細を見る
Bacteriostatic effect of malachite green against the causative bacteria of the vibrio-disease of rainbow-trout was studied by following method. A series of test tubes containing 0.0020-0.010mg malachite green (at 0.0005mg intervals) made by adding 0.1 cc aqueous solution of malachite green in concentration 0.02-0.10mg/cc, to 9.9 cc bouillon, was prepared. Several test tubes containing 9.9 cc bouil lon and 0.1 cc sterile distilled water served as control. These tubes were inoculated with a loopful of the bacteria from agar slope culture, which were suspended in physiological salt solution (2mg/10 cc) and they were cultured for 24 hours at 22°C. The growth of the bacteria in each medicated tube was measured on comparision with that of the control tubes which were regarded as 100% growth. The results obtained are as follows: The relation between the bacterial growth and malachite green concentration is shown in a sigmoid curve (Fig. 1). The growth at the concentration of 0.002mg malachite green to 10 cc broth and that at 0.01mg to 10 cc. was 100% and 0%, respectively. The concentration of malachite green to check the growth of the bacteria in 50% was calculated as 0.0052mg/10 cc broth. The details are compiled in the Table and Fig. 1.
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