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It is reported from the results of indoor experiments that the liberation of spores from the Conchocelis of Porphyra tenera is greatly affected by water temperature and illumination, and it seems to occur mainly in the early morning. With a view to clarify whether such a phenomenon occurs in the sea, investigation was made through the following experiments and observations: (1) The Conchocelis were submerged in the sea on September 20 after indoor culturing through the warmer season Before daybreak each day (Sept. 26, Oct. 6, 9 and 16) material was suspended in the sea in glass tubes with glass slides on the bottom. After periods varying from one to two hours, the Conchocelis was moved into another tube of the same device. The process was r ?? peated several times until sun set. The tubes from which the Conchocelis had been removed, were set still in laboratory two hours, so as to let the spores liberated sink down to the slides on the bottom. Then the spores were counted. (2) In the meantime, hydrogiaphical and atmospheric conditions were observed. Results obtained from the experiments and observations above mentioned suggest that the liberation of spores is apt to be accelerated by the rising of water temperature and increase of illumination. These conditions in the sea, however, do not always occur immediately after sun-rise, and the time of liberation of spores is variablly affected by certain hydrographical (tidal phase, turbidity of seawater etc.) and weather conditions.
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