- 論文の詳細を見る
In the previous papers of this series1-7), some properties of the chitinolytic ezyme in some organs of a few species of aquatic animals were reported. In these studies, the amount of oligo-N-acetylamino sugar produced was estimated from that of N-acetylamino sugar liberated by β-glucosidase. In the present study, some properties of the enzyme from the viscera of a sea bream, Acanthopagrus schlegedi, were investigated in the same way as described in the previous papers, except that the oligo sugar was hydrolyzed with HCl. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1) Heating with 3N-HCl at 100°C for 40 minutes was found to be optimum for the hydrolysis of oligo-N-acetylamino sugar liberated by the chitinolytic enzyme. 2) The stomach of sea bream showed a considerably high activity, whereas the activity of the liver was moderate and the pyloric caeca and intestine little (Table 1). 3) The optimum pH and temperature of the enzyme extracted from the stomach were 3.4-4.0 (Fig. 4) and about 60°C (Fig. 6), respectively. 4) The enzyme was stable between pH 2.5 and 8.0 (Fig. 5). 5) It was resistant for heating at 30-70°C for 20 minutes, but unstable at 80°C (Fig. 7).
- 水産動物の消化管に存在するキチン分解細菌に関する研究-III : 有機酸生成作用について
- 水産動物の消化管に存在するキチン分解細菌に関する研究-II : Vibrio gerrisの有機酸生成作用について
- 水産動物のキチン分解酵素に関する研究-V : ハマチの消化管に存在するキチン分解酵素について
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- 無胃魚カワハギの腸内細菌相(短報)〔英文〕
- 海洋中のキシラン分解細菌に関する研究-1-好気性β-1,4'-キシラン分解細菌の分離,計数法について
- 水産動物のキチン分解酵素に関する研究-6-ニジマスのキチン分解酵素について