- 論文の詳細を見る
The seasonal change in photosynthetic ability of Porphyra yezoensis grown in the culture grounds was studied at Nagai and Shiba, Kanagawa Pref., by following the development of the community on a sheet of culture net. At Nagai measurements were made on the same day under changing natural conditions in the field and under constant conditions in the laboratory. The photosynthetic ability of P. yezoensis was initially low, attained the maximum rate of 30-35 02ml/g d.w./hr at about 40 days after seeding of conchospores, and then continuously decreased to about half of the maximum rate in 3 months after seeding. This trend of change with aging seems to be general regardless of differences in environmental conditions if the Porphyra community undergoes a healthy development. Since the similar trends of the decline in photosynthetic activity were obtained under the field and laboratory conditions and the significant differences in the photosynthetic and respiratory activities were found between the older and the younger fronds grown under the same field conditions, it is concluded that the seasonal change in photosynthesis of P. yezoensis in the culture ground is primarily attributed to the aging of the algal community rather than the water temperature even though there is a highly significant correlation between photosynthesis of the alga and water temperature in the field through the seasons.
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