逐次加入のある資源におけるパラメーターの推定について-I : 太平洋赤道海域のキハダにおける推定値への逐次加入の影響
- 論文の詳細を見る
1) In tuna longline fishery, yellowfin tuna seems not to be recruited fully at a certain age, but sequentially over some years. 2) The bias of estimated value of parameters by two ordinary methods, especially of the natural mortality coefficient (M), in age at which the recruitment is not completed is evaluated by simulation. 3) When the rate of recruitment is derived from the normal distribution assuming that the fish recruits from Age 1 to Age 5 and the mode of recruitment is at Age 3, ?? in Ages 1 and 2 was impossible to obtain, and ?? in Ages 3 and 4 are smaller than M in each case. The bias of ?? in ages older than 4 is negligible. 4) When the rate of recruitment calculated from the catch data and given values of M and q are used, ?? in Ages 3 and 4 are different from the given value, and that bias of ?? varies in each subarea. Especially in the subarea where the rate of recruitment changed, the variation is remarkable. 5) In a fish population which has sequential recruitment, it is necessary to formulate a new method of estimating population parameters.
- 公益社団法人 日本水産学会の論文
- 魚群探知機単体記録の判別計数に関する研究-IV : 判別計数用マスクの設計
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- 逐次加入のある資源におけるパラメーターの推定について-VI : 加入中心年令をも含めた太平洋海域メバチのパラメーターの同時推定
- 逐次加入のある資源におけるパラメーターの推定について-V : 東西移動を考慮した太平洋海域キハダのパラメーターの同時推定
- 逐次加入のある資源におけるパラメーターの推定について-IV : 〓法による推定値の精度
- 逐次加入のある資源におけるパラメーターの推定について-III : 〓法による太平洋海域メバチのパラメーターの同時推定
- 逐次加入のある資源におけるパラメーターの推定について-I : 太平洋赤道海域のキハダにおける推定値への逐次加入の影響
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