中国秦嶺山脈の野生ゴールデンモンキー(Rhinopithecus roxellanae roxellanae)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Two groups of wild golden monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellanae roxellanae) were observed in the Qingling Mountains, China from November to December, 1989. Total observation time for the groups was about 18 hours in 8 days.The monkeys inhabited mixed forest of deciduous and coniferous trees at between 1900m and 2300m above sea level. All age-sex classes of monkeys were found in the two groups. Group-A consisted of at least 21 members and group-B had at least 43 members. They traveled about 1km in a day. Most activities of the monkeys occurred in the trees. Forty three percent of their locomotion was quadpedal, 33% consisted of leaping and jumping, and 24% of brachiation. They fed on the seeds of Pinus sp. and the buds and barks of deciduous trees such as Acer sp. They made various types of vocalization mainly when they fed and moved around. A few occurrences of social grooming and copulation were observed during the study period.
- 「現況研」からのニホンザル保護のための声明
- 「現況研」からのニホンザル保護のための声明
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- 一サル研究者から見た志賀高原自然保護の問題点
- 特集にあたって
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- ラッコ・オットセイ猟業の成立・変遷と資源管理論 (1)
- 中国合肥野生動植物保護センター(研究会記録 : 日中の自然保護区の活動比較 : 白山, 屋久島と黄山を例に(1))
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- 海獣談話会
- 巻頭言
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- 中国秦嶺山脈の野生ゴールデンモンキー(Rhinopithecus roxellanae roxellanae)
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