Lymphocyte cytotoxity to autologous hepatocytes in chronic active hepatitis.
- 論文の詳細を見る
The cytotoxic effect of T and non-T cell fractions on autologous hepatocytes was separately investigated by a microcytotoxity system in 18 patients with chronic active hepatitis. The T cellmediatedcytotoxicity was found to be increased in 9 out of 10 HBsAg positive cases and in 5 out of 8 negative ones. Decreased T cell-mediated cytotoxity was observed, when target hepatocytes that were proved to possess β<SUB>2</SUB>-microglobulin and HBsAg on the cell membrane by mixed hemadsorption test, were treated with either anti-β<SUB>2</SUB>-microglobulin or anti-HBs, or when effector T cell was treated with OKT8 and complement. In addition, in these patients the percentage of OKT3 and OKT8 positive lymphocytes in the liver was significantly higher than in the peripheral blood. These data suggest that cytotoxic T cells play an important role in hepatocellular necrosis and HLA antigen and HBsAg are regarded as target antigens for these T cell.
- 社団法人 日本肝臓学会の論文
- 形態学的に長期の経過を観察し得た,重症筋無力症に併発した原発性硬化性胆管炎の1例
- ミャンマーにおける国際看護研修とその学習効果
- ミスコンダクト
- 「ヘリコバクタピロリ」と「膵臓」
- スリランカとセレンディピティー
- 模倣
- 「学内実習」心電図測定の有効性について : 臨地実習における活用状況調査結果から
- 各種肝疾患における抗カルモジュリン抗体の臨床的意義について
- 慢性肝疾患における末梢血リンパ球のsubpopulationに関する研究
- 肝硬変に合併したimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy (IBL)-like T cell lymphomaの1例
- Study of immunological parameters after TAE therapy against hepatocellular carcinoma.
- A case of jevenile pbc which resulted in death due to intraabdominal hemorrhage, about 4 years after the oncet of the disease.
- A case of a common variable immunodeficiency with defect of mature B cell and enhanced suppressor T cell function.
- Lymphocyte cytotoxity to autologous hepatocytes in chronic active hepatitis.