- 論文の詳細を見る
Temporal changes of HBc and HBs antigens within liver tissue were studied throughout the course of experimental HBV infbction in chimpanzees. The antigens were first found in liver cells, generally almost coincidentally with the development of HBs antigenemia, and very rarely befbre it. The detection of HBcAg tended to precede HBsAg in the tissue. The positivity of both antigens (in terms of number and intensity of staining of the positive liver cells or nucleus) was milder in rapidly resolving cases, while it was more marked in chronic or slowly resolving cases. In the former HBsAg was initially detected in the entire cytoplasma of rare single liver cells, which was followed by the membranepattern staining of grouped multiple liver cells befbre the elevation of transaminases in relatively severer cases. In the latter chronic cases the initial staining pattern was similarly fbund in the entire cytoplasm, but later it was characterized by cytoplasmic inclusion-body formation.
- 社団法人 日本肝臓学会の論文
- 273. 胞巣状軟部肉腫の2例(骨・軟部IV)(一般講演・示説)(第33回日本臨床細胞学会総会)
- 48.神経節芽腫の合併をみた肝芽腫のまれな1剖検例(第19回日本小児外科学会関東甲信越地方会)
- I-1. 下行性胆道感染の発生機序に関する実験的研究(第6回日本胆道外科研究会)
- 同種抗体によるチンパンジーの血液型の分類
- B型及びC型慢性肝炎におけるインターフェロン治療による肝病変の改善度の検討
- 非A非B型肝炎におけるHCVコア抗体の測定および肝病変との関連性の研究
- C型肝炎における肝内HCV関連抗原の検出
- 肝組織内HBx抗原の光顕及び電顕的検索
- 非A非B型肝疾患に於けるコア抗体及びSP42, C-100抗体の測定と比較検討
- B型肝炎の発症と進展におけるHBc抗体の意義の再検討
- 非A非B型肝疾患におけるHCV関連抗体(JCC, C-100, SP42)の測定とその意義
- 非A非B型急性肝炎におけるHCV関連抗体(JCC, C-100)とHCV-RNAの比較検討
- C型肝炎に於ける合成ペプタイドを用いたELISA系による血清HCV抗体の測定
- タイトル無し
- B型肝炎の経過に於ける肝組織内ウイルス関連抗原の変動--チンパンジ-における感染実験
- False-positive findings of hepatitis C virus antibody in alcoholic hepatits checked by use of the polymerase chain reaction to amplify HCV-RNA.
- タイトル無し
- Detection of HCV by RT-PCR.
- Analysis is HCV variants by RT-PCR using mixed-degenerative primers on C-100 region of HCV.
- Epitope analysis of HCV NS1 region.
- Simple preparation of HCV-NS3.
- Hepatitis virus infection among prostitutes in the Tokyo area.
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し