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A high vacuum evaporation apparatus for semicontinuous preparation of ferromagnetic thin films is described, which consists of a operation chamber and its associated vacuum system. The vacuum chamber, 300mm (inner dia.) ×800m.rn. mild steel Tee, has a door flange on each side and contains the demountable operating system, having a store-box for non-treated samples, driving mechanism, magnets, ovens-for outgassing, heating on evaporation and annealing samples-, reservoir for finished samples, a evaporation source, and etc. on a base frame provided with four wheels.<BR>And, all operations are manipulated by vacuum sealed driving-shafts inserted in each adaptor.<BR>The glass substrate fixed on a holder is put on the chain conveyer from the store-box and moved place by place and subjected to the serial treatment processes, i. e., outgassing, deposition, and annealing at each position and finally sent into the sample reservoir. Ten substrate holders or more can be charged in the store-box and two samples can be prepared at the same time under same conditions in every case.<BR>The pressure during each operation except for the evaporation can be maintained at 57×10<SUP>-6</SUP> Torr.<BR>The pressure during evaporation is usually kept between 13×10<SUP>-5</SUP>Torr and can be reduced further to 56×10<SUP>-6</SUP>Torr by applying a liquid air cold trap.<BR>The demountable operating system and its each part is described in detail.<BR>The pumping system consists of a rotary pump (500<I>l</I>/min) and a three-stages oil diffusion pump with water-cooling baffle.
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