Studies on the fate of intravascularly injected bacteria in fish—II.:Changes in number and composition of leucocyts in the blood of the eel
- 魚類におけるクロラムフェニコールの吸収および排泄―I : 養殖ハマチに経口投与した時の組織内濃度
- A note on gill parasits of European eels cultured in ponds
- Effects of polyenes on acute tympanitis of trout, due to Candida sp.
- Studies on the fate of intravascularly injected bacteria in fish—II.:Changes in number and composition of leucocyts in the blood of the eel
- Absorption and Excretion of Chloramphenicol in Fish—III:Tissue Levels of the Drug in Cultured Yellowtails Treated with Different Ways of Dosing
- Effects of some fungicides on black gill disease of kuruma prawn, penaeus japonicus, caused by fusarium sp.