Comparative studies on skin sensitization tests using methyl heptine carbonate, costus root oil and DNCB
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It has been known that cutaneous delayed hypersensitivity to DNCB is easily induced in healthy people, but its sensitization rate is lower in cancer patients. Newly recognized perfumery sensitizers, methyl heptine carbonate (MHC) and costus root oil (CRO) were compared with DNCB for their sensitizing potency. One hundred fifty-five patients with chest disease including cancer were sensitized using 30% MHC+3% linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) in hydrophilic ointment, 20% CRO+3% LAS in petrolatum and 5% DNCB+3% LAS in petrolatum simultaneously, and two weeks later these patients were simultaneously patch-tested using 3% MHC, 3% CRO in petrolatum, and 0.1% DNCB in ethanol. Same reactions to MHC, CRO and DNCB were obtained in 139 of 155 patients (89.6%) simultaneously. Same reactions to MHC and DNCB were obtained in 92% of the patients, while same results using CRO and DNCB were observed simultaneously in 94% of them. The patients in which the results of the patch tests were inconsistent were again sensitized and challenged by the antigens which could not evoke positive reactions. The results showed that all patients sensitized with DNCB were also sensitized with CRO and MHC, while the other patients who were not sensitized with DNCB could either not be sensitized by CRO and MHC. The process of percutaneous sensitization using DNCB, CRO, and MHC as the antigens may be same. As these three chemicals have different consituational formulas, each chemical should proliferate respective clones. The toxicity of MHC and CRO is expected to be much lower than DNCB. No comlication of chronic dermatitis using these chemicals was observed in this study.The skin sensitization tests using MHC and/or CRO can be used as well as DNCB test in the assessment of immunological states.
- 日本臨床免疫学会の論文
- 134.アトピー皮膚炎患者におけるヒトふけ抽出液添加リンパ球幼若化現象について(皮膚アレルギー)
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- (166) 薬剤アレルギーの臨床的診断方法について(薬物アレルギー)
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- 340 腹膜播種性転移大腸癌の臨床病理学的検討(第30回日本消化器外科学会総会)
- 42 結腸癌の臨床病理学的検討(第29回日本消化器外科学会総会)
- 95 抗原吸入誘発試験と末梢気道反応
- 194 アトピー性皮膚炎におけるダニ抗原吸入誘発試験
- E3.膠原病にみられる香粧品感作(アレルゲン, 職業アレルギー)
- 225. 接触性過敏症をモデルとした細胞性免疫反応, ならびにこれに及ぼす薬物の影響(細胞性免疫)
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- 7. 白血球遊走阻止試験の改良(6 細胞性免疫の試験管内テスト)
- 示-4. 中部胆管癌に対する胆管切除術の適応について(第17回日本胆道外科研究会)
- 62 高齢者消化管手術における術後合併症の検討(第31回日本消化器外科学会総会)
- 84. 胆嚢癌症例の検討(第8回日本消化器外科学会大会)
- 138.水銀剤によるアレルギー性接触皮膚炎(皮膚アレルギー)
- 73. Behcet 病における細菌アレルギー (第2報)(感染・臓器アレルギー)
- 193. 走査電顕によるリンパ球の細胞障害作用の観察(細胞性免疫)
- 85.アトピー性皮膚炎における血清IgEの意義(鼻, 眼, 皮膚アレルギー, アレルゲン, 抗原, 感染アレルギー)
- 68.仮称instant patch test allergen(系列化patch test allergen IV型)について(アレルギー・免疫学的診断法)
- 113.Simple chemical allergyにおけるmacrophage inhibition test(遅延型アレルギー)
- 56. 薬劇アレルギーからみた皮膚の組織抗体の態度に関する一考察(薬物アレルギー)
- 56.薬剤アレルギーからみた皮膚の組織抗体の態度に関する一考察(薬物アレルギー)
- 166.薬剤アレルギーの臨床的診断方法について(薬物アレルギー)
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- Costus Root Oil反応の開発と肺癌患者の免疫能の検索
- Methyl Heptine Carbonate反応の開発とDNCB反応との比較検討
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- 119 小腸潰瘍3例の検討(第22回日本消化器外科学会総会)
- 125 胆石症における胆汁内細菌叢の検討(第27回日本消化器外科学会総会)
- 27.SLEにおけるMI testについて(自己免疫, 膠原病, 臓器アレルギー)
- 6. 距離法による MIF 判定の基礎(6 細胞性免疫の試験管内テスト)
- 236 乳癌の肺・胸膜転移例の検討
- 139.サルファ剤による固定薬疹(皮膚アレルギー)
- 116.薬疹のパッチテストに関する一考察(薬剤アレルギー, 即時型アレルギー, アレルギー反応のメジエーター, 補体)
- 7. 歯科金属による感作の可能性について(第2回アレルギー懇話会)
- 67.貼付試験に関する一提案(アレルギー・免疫学的診断法)
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- 示-28 costus root oilの肺癌患者に対する免疫応答と抗腫瘍効果の可能性
- 289 Costus root oil反応と肺癌の癌進展度・予後
- Costus root oil反応による癌患者の病期別免疫能の検索
- Comparative studies on skin sensitization tests using methyl heptine carbonate, costus root oil and DNCB