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The identification of the “Island of Qanbalu” has been one of the main issues since the beginning of East African studies.Previous studies about this have tended to understand Qanbalu as a proper noun referring to a specific place. Thus, they have tried to discover its location by coordinating the descriptions in the written sources and evidence from such fields as archaeological research, geographical landscape, and Swahili etymology. However, this article criticises these methods as misguided, because very few of the authors on whom the researchers rely for their information about this island of Qanbalu had visited the East African coast themselves. Rather, this article proposes that these descriptions are a reflection of the geographical understanding of each author. This paper focuses on these descriptions using this hypothesis and proposes a new interpretation for the island of Qanbalu.This article ascertains that through the eleventh century, all descriptions refer to Qanbalu as a centre along the east African coast. In addition to this, the evidence from several contemporary Arabic dictionaries and descriptions based on direct experience leads to the hypothesis that Qanbalu was originally a common noun applied to several entrepôts along the east African coast by sailors and merchants.However, by authors without direct experience Qanbalu is described as single place, and moreover, from the twelfth century, on though this place-name is still mentioned as a centre, each author locates this island at different point and gives different physical characters. This change can be understood in light of the contemporary high concern with the Indian Ocean region.After examination, the following is submitted as new interpretation: 1. originally Qanbalu was not a specific proper nown; 2. over time different authors have placed it in different locations, depending on their understanding of the map of the East African coast.
- 社団法人 日本オリエント学会の論文
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- 書評 Gwyn Campbell (ed.), The Structure of Slavery in Indian Ocean Africa and Asia
- アフリカ(2005年の歴史学界-回顧と展望-)