インド洋西海域と「近代」 : 奴隷の流通を事例にして
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How did the traders change themselves in order to continue their business in the nineteenth century Indian Ocean when the West took her under its influence? This article chooses the distributors of the slave towards the Oman-Persian Gulf area from the East African coast as the case study and examines following subjects ; 1. Who did distribute slaves? 2. How did they change themselves between 1850s and early 1860s in order to continue their activity when British anti-slave trade campaign began to progress over the western Indian Ocean? The results of the examination are follows ; 1. Transport of slave took place not solely, but together with other trading articles, such as salt and wooden poles, contrary to some of contemporary documents which regarded the people transporting such articles with slaves as "Slaver". Both Oman-Persian area and east African coast needed the articles conveyed by these distributors, because they made up for deficiencies which were based on each natural environment. One can recognise that these couple of areas were connected each other by the articles conveyed by them. Of course, these distributors brought slaves from east African coast to the Oman-Persian area ; however, it is a part of their activities. Moreover, it is the traditional structure of the Indian Ocean world repeated by historians that the different areas connected each other with such exchange indicates. in other words, such traditional structure of the Indian Ocean still functioned in the 19^<th> century, despite that some scholars argue that it was destroyed in this period. If one call these people who made efforts to continue their slave dealing as slaver, (s) he shall put the responsibility for making such slaver to the British anti-slave trade activity. 2. The distributors changed themselves as follows ; firstly, as British anti-slave trade campaign progressed, they began to unite closely each other in order to continue their conveyance of slaves, though this article had been just one of the articles which they transported. In addition, they paid attention to the diplomatic affairs concerning to the slave trade, and utilised anti-slave trade treaties finding these loopholes. Such behaviour is impracticable unless they made themselves subordinate to the treaties, there fore one shall evaluate such behaviour as a form of the strategic subordination to the orders created by the Britain at this period.
- 財団法人史学会の論文
- 2007-07-20
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