Münich 378c写本の著者・題名の確定 -『時代の鏡』諸写本との比較から-
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In this paper I deal with an unidentified manuscript held in the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Münich 378c, which is a chronicle covering 402-436H, namely the latter part of the Buwayhid dynasty. This manuscript preserves the content of the chronicle of Hilal al-Sabi, almost all of which has been lost, and has therefore been used in the study of Buwayhid history. Because it is an unidentified manuscript, its value as a source is diminished. In this paper I was able to determine the author and title of Münich 378c, and in that process it became clear that there is a problem of the manuscript line of Mirat al-Zaman, and then I tried to organize this problem to.In 1905 Amedroz examined Münich 378c by comparing it with the manuscript of Mirat al-Zaman Or. 4619, but he came to no conclusion about the relationship. First, I reexamined his work, and I demonstrated the reason why he did not conclude that Münich 378c is a manuscript of Mirat al-Zaman. Because, Or. 4619 is different from Münich 378c with respect to contents and the number of articles.Second, I compared Münich 378c with manuscripts of Mirat al-Zaman preserved in libraries of Istanbul, for example the libraries of Ahmet III and Köprülü. Münich 378c and the manuscripts of Mirat al-Zaman in Istanbul turned out to belong the same line of manuscripts. Namely, Münich 378c is Mirat al-Zaman, and the author is Sibt b. al-Jawzi.Finally, in this paper I showed that Mirat al-Zaman has two lines of manuscripts. Although this fact has been pointed out by Cl. Cahen and Li Guo, I demonstrated that problem of manuscript lines of Mirat al-Zaman is more complicated than heretofore realized.
- 社団法人 日本オリエント学会の論文
- 書評と紹介 菊地達也著『イスラーム教「異端」と「正統」の思想史』
- ブワイフ朝初期の「ダイラム」--イラーク政権とジバール政権の比較から
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- 初期ブワイフ朝君主の主導権争いとアッバース朝カリフ : イマーラ、リヤーサ、ムルクの検討を中心に
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- 後ジバール政権の成立
- 書評と紹介 清水和裕『軍事奴隷・官僚・民衆--アッバース朝解体期のイラク社会』
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- 『イブン・ハルドゥーン自伝』写本についての一試論
- 原典研究 イブン・ハルドゥーン自伝(3)
- 書評 佐藤次高編『イスラームの歴史(1)イスラームの創始と展開』
- 『時代の鏡』諸写本研究序説
- Münich 378c写本の著者・題名の確定 -『時代の鏡』諸写本との比較から-
- 佐藤次高『イスラームの国家と王権』岩波書店, 2004年, viii+213+10頁, 定価2730円 (税込み)
- 『王冠の書』にみるアドゥド・アッダウラの王統観
- 研究フォーラム ブワイフ朝研究の課題 (世界史の研究(232))