初期ブワイフ朝君主の主導権争いとアッバース朝カリフ : イマーラ、リヤーサ、ムルクの検討を中心に
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Historians seem to regard the institution of the Caliphate as one of the most important problems in the Islamic political history. Even after the dissolution of the 'Abbasid Caliphate, that institution was still the main source of power and legitimacy, as seen in the Mamluk and Ottoman dynasties. It is generally understood that in the mid-ninth century when the amir al-umara' took over temporal power from the 'Abbasid Caliph, the Caliphate was reduced to a mere political symbol, granting legitimacy to the provincial regimes that were rising in various places at that time. A critical re-examination of the political relationships among the Buwayhid rulers and between the Caliph and the Buwayhid rulers, however, reveals that authorization by the 'Abbasid Caliph came not always into effect as the root of their legitimacy. In the earlier period, Buwayhid rulers were amirs appointed by the Caliph as his provincial officers. Acquiring the riyasa, which was the leadership of the Buwayhid family, became more important in claiming legitimacy after the struggle for power within that family. As a result, 'Adud al-Dawla, having won the riyasa of Buwayhid family, was no longer an amir appointed by the Caliph, but established himself as a "malik", meaning the holder of "mulk (sovereignty)", which did not originate from the 'Abbasid Caliphate. Judging from the above, the authority of the Caliphate as a political symbol was not always absolute, but rather was one of the several resources by which provincial regimes could legitimize their domination. So, when studying the development of political institutions after the emergence of the Saljuqid dynasty, must take the existence of malik and mulk into consideration.
- 財団法人史学会の論文
- 2003-02-20
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- 小松香織著, 『オスマン帝国の海運と海軍』(山川歴史モノグラフ(2)), 山川出版社, 二〇〇二・一一刊, A5, 二九六頁, 五〇〇〇円
- イブン・アッティクタカー著, 池田修・岡本久美子訳, 『アルファフリー-イスラームの君主論と諸王朝史-』(1)(2), (東洋文庫 729 730), 平凡社, 全書判, (1) 二〇〇四・八刊, 三七七頁, 三〇〇〇円, (2) 二〇〇四・九刊, 三〇一頁, 二七〇〇円
- 初期ブワイフ朝君主の主導権争いとアッバース朝カリフ : イマーラ、リヤーサ、ムルクの検討を中心に
- 酒井啓子著, 『イラクとアメリカ』(岩波新書 新赤版 796), 岩波書店, 二〇〇二・八刊, B40, 二二七頁, 七〇〇円
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- 佐藤次高編, 『西アジア史 I アラブ』, 山川出版社, 二〇〇二・三刊, 四六, 六二四頁, 三七〇〇円
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- Münich 378c写本の著者・題名の確定 -『時代の鏡』諸写本との比較から-
- 佐藤次高『イスラームの国家と王権』岩波書店, 2004年, viii+213+10頁, 定価2730円 (税込み)
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