Empirical formulas for 14-MeV (n,p) and (n,.ALPHA.) cross sections.
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Empirical formulas for the 14 MeV (n, p) and (n, α) cross sections given by Levkovskii were modified separately in three ranges of mass number, in each of which, coefficients modifying Levkovskii's formulas were determined by least-squares fitting to experimental cross sections. The resulting modified formulas yielded cross sections representing markedly smaller chi-square deviations from experimental values, and moreover gathered closer to unity, compared with calculation using Levkovskii's original formulas.
- 一般社団法人 日本原子力学会の論文
Kumabe Isao
Department Of Nuclear Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Kyushu University
Fukuda Katsuya
Department Of Nuclear Eng. Kobe University Of Mercantile Marine
FUKUDA Katsuya
Department of Nuclear Engineering, Kyushu University
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