Social Groupings of Japanese Wild Boar Sus scrofa leucomystax and their Changes in the Rokko Mountains
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Social grouping patterns of Japanese wild boar Sus scrofa leucomystax were studied, by direct observation on a population in the Rokko Mountains of western Japan, from April 1982 to July 1988. We observed identified individuals for 2404 hours over 1323 days. Social groups were classified according to their composition. There were three recognized age categories: adults (≥2 years old), juveniles (1 year old), and infants (<1 year old). Eleven types of social group were recognized in the population there, however, adult males were always solitary, and the basic family group (a mother with her infants or juveniles) was the most frequent social group involving adult females. Since the basic family group contains only one adult (a mother), it is concluded that both male and female adult Japanese wild boar in our population were basically solitary. Continuous observation of various social groups revealed that group formations changed throughout the year in relation to the timing of farrowing and the timing of males independence for solitary life.
- 日本哺乳類学会の論文
仲谷 淳
仲谷 淳
小野 勇一
小野 勇一
仲谷 淳
仲谷 淳
仲谷 淳
(独)農業・生物系特定産業技術研究機構 近畿中国四国農業研究センター
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Kyushu University
ONO Yuiti
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Kyushu University
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