Habitat Use and Selection of the Siberian Weasel Mustela sibirica coreana during the Non-mating Season
- 論文の詳細を見る
Habitat use and selection of the Siberian weasel Mustela sibirica during the non-mating season were studied, on the small island of Aoshima, Japan, from 1982 to 1989. Weasels occurred throughout the island. The village area was compared with the northern grassland which was less affected by human activity. Weasels in the village area were divided into two groups; the "border weasels", which had their ranges around the periphery of the village, and the "central weasels", which occupied the center of the village. The population density was lower in the grassland area than in the village. The body weight of border weasels was the largest on Aoshima. Border weasels rested in barns and houses and were active in grasslands and on roads, while weasels in the grassland rested and were active mainly in grasslands. Weasels frequently used piles of hay in barns as resting sites in the village. Resting sites, offering good thermal conditions, are thought to be important factors of the range of the Siberian weasel, especially for females, during winter. The village periphery was assumed to be the most favorable weasel habitat because the village area provided good resting sites and a wide range of food.
- 日本哺乳類学会の論文
佐々木 浩
佐々木 浩
小野 勇一
小野 勇一
Ono Yuiti
Laboratory Of Ecology Department Of Biology Kyushu University
Sasaki Hiroshi
Laboratory For Embryonic Induction Riken Center For Developmental Biology
SASAKI Hiroshi
Laboratory of Ecology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Kyushu University
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