An Articulation Therapy for a Cleft Palate Child with Unvalanced Ability in ITPA.
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We administared the Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities (ITPA) to a patient to identify her superior and inferior abilities in order to use the superior ability to the maximum in speech therapy.The subject was a 5 year old articulation disordered girl with a cleft palate. In the results of the ITPA, The average "Scaled Score" of the "visual-motor channel" was superior to the "auditory-motor channel". Speech therapy began at the age of 5 years and 4 months. In order to utilize the superior ability to compensate for the inferior one, we introduced her to the use of visual cues for the improvement of oral movement, mora segmentation and identification of words. As a ersults of this approach, she learned accurate sounds through training and by herself, and learned to correct error sounds for herself, This case showed that speech therapy which utilized the superior ability of the patient was effective.
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- An Articulation Therapy for a Cleft Palate Child with Unvalanced Ability in ITPA.
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