Candida albicansによる口腔咽頭潰瘍の実験的研究
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In the previous paper the authors had reported on the histologic manifestation of deep-seated candidiasis, namely chronic ulcer ie the mouth and pharynx. In oder to extend these histitologic- findings, we had attempted to produce experimentally oropharyngeal ulcers in dogs using candida albicans. Dogs showed a strong resistance and it was necessary to use alloxan pretreatment in oder to induce ulcers using candida. In rabbits ulcers were induced easely using a strain of candida albicans which was isolated from a patient with necrotic ulcer and which was highly toxic. To induce the ulcer a suspeension of fluid containing candida must be injected submucously as super- ficial as posible. Thus the authers succeeded in producing ulcers in 45 cases.. The ulcers occured in 2 or 3 days after injection and lasted from 15 to 22 days (18 days on the average) and spontano- usly healed with scar formation. In the early stage, marked edema and slight infiltration with leucscytes occured in the tissue surrounding the injected area. Following the developement of the ulcers, at about the 10th day, fibroblasts and endothial-like cells appeared in the floor of the ulcers. The most notable finding was the formation of new blood vessels, which was so remarkable that it resembled angioma in some areas. This findigs was noted by the authors in the human biopsy specimens prviously described. Giantcells appeared following the 5th day and increased gradually until terminal stage of the ulcers. The candida on the 3-5 day were seen as spores with mycelia in the injected area and surroun- ding tissues, in the central area of which abcess formation could already be seen. By the 10-15th day spores and mycelia were no longer seen in tee granulation tissue. As control for this experiment, the authors used staphylococci and killed candida. In these experiments ulcers were produced, but they were small, inconstant in their occurrence, and healed rapidly. Their microscopic appearance was different from the foregoing findings. Thus the earlier picture may be considered as characteristic of deep seated ulcers caused by candida.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
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