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Oral and pharyngeal ulcerous candidiasis is a hardly curable chronic disease with persisting symptoms and is called a chronic thrush in Europe. The pathogenesis and the production of the antibody have not been clarified and no effective treatment has yet been established.To study these problems it is neces- sary to produce experimental ulcer, which never have been produced successfully. The author produced the ulcer in rabbits and dogs, Candida was injected superfi- cially into the mucosa.Otherwise, the injected suspension of the fungi was rapidly ab- sorbed Following this procedure the chronic ulcers were produced in 45 rabbits without exception.In dogs, however, this ulcer was produced only in 3 cases, in which alloxan glycosuria had been intentionally developed.Dogs appeored to have strong resistence to Candida infection. Then various serological observations were made on those experimental animals with the ulcer. For the skin test, Akibas polysaccharid antigen was used Positive reaction was de- monstrated in 33 per cent using 1γ/cc antigen and in 63 per cent using 10γ/cc antigen. Agglutination and precipitation tests of the serum showed similar patterns of mild reaction.It appeared on the 5th day after the injection, reached to the maximum on the 15 th day and then gradually decreased.A few exceptional cases showed mild reac- tion even on the 25 th day.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
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