喉頭癌の病理組織学的研究 : とくに披裂軟骨•輪状披裂関節をめぐる病変について
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The etiology of vocal cord dyskinesia was studied histopathollogically in 70 specimens with laryngeal carcinoma.The results revealed that in 62.5% of the cases with vocal cord immobilisation, it was caused by the invasions of the cancer into intrinsic laryngeal muscles and in 37.5%, it was caused by the destructive changes of the arytenoid cartilage and the cricoarytenoid joint. In the cases with invasion to the intrinsic laryngeal muscles, the tumors were advanced to the oblong fossa of the arytenoid cartilage. The perichondrium of the arytenoid generally showed fibrotic hypertrophy. The marked fibrosis and the poor exudative and vascular reactions were observed in the stroma at the tumor apex.When the tumor expanded backward, it was found that the anterior aspect of the cricoarytenoid joint was first destructed, and that the posterior aspect of the arytenoid cartilage was first destructed.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
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- 喉頭癌の病理組織学的研究 : とくに披裂軟骨•輪状披裂関節をめぐる病変について
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